In his exquisite minaudieres and clutches, Rafe Totengco’s career-long fascination with architecture and different cultures shines through his designs more brightly than ever before. A Rafe creation, in form often a nod to one famous architect or another, is an objet d’art in its own right -- a collectible, fine in detail and masterful in workmanship. Born in the Philippines and based in New York, Totengco easily weaves multi-cultural references into his body of work, which has evolved over an illustrious career from handbags and accessories to today's signature minaudieres.
2013 - Independent Handbag Designer Awards Iconoclast Recipient for Lifetime Achievement in Handbag Design
2010 - "Pamana ng Filipino" Presidential Award for Filipino Individuals Overseas for bringing his home country honor and recognition through excellence and distinction in his profession in international fashion design
2008 - One of "50 Outstanding Asian Americans in Business" from the Asian American Business Development Center (AABD)
2007 - "Asian Entrepreneur of the Year" (AEY) award from Asian Enterprise Magazine
2005 - "Achievement Award for Entrepreneurship" from Filipinas Magazine
2002 - "Ten Outstanding Young Men" (TOYM) trophy from the Philippine Jaycees, awarded personally by the President of the Philippines (the first time in its 50-year history that this honor was granted to a fashion designer)
2001 - "Best Accessories Designer" (ACE award) from the Accessories Council
2000 - "Rising Star" award from Fashion Group Internatational (FGI)
1999 - Finalist, Perry Ellis Accessory Design Award, CFDA Gala
1997 - "Ten Best" award by ENK International judging panel
1996 - The "Fresh Faces in Fashion" award from Gen Art