Jussara Lee and I first crossed paths in New York in the late 90s. I collaborated with her to design bags for her runway show during New York Fashion Week. That was a really fun experience especially for a newcomer in the industry. Almost every look came out with a bag which was unheard of in those days. Ever since then we have stayed in touch throughout the years. Whenever we could, we would grab a bite or a coffee just to catch up. Our conversations were always heart to heart, full of love, honesty and laughter.
About 10 years ago Jussara started transforming used clothes into new clothes. She learned that In the US alone, the average consumer wears only 20% of what is in their closet. According to her clients and friends, the remaining 80% mostly ends up hidden away in the back of their closets or are donated. That motivated her to start a mending program called the Hand Me Up collection.
When I started designing this season I had the opportunity to do some up-cycled bags and I immediately thought of Jussara. This was something I knew she would love. The #jussaratoteandmask set is a combination of patchwork fabrics collected from factory overruns then hand-embroidered in naive motifs using the Japanese Sachiko technique. Each piece is worked on individually by different women; making every bag a one of a kind.
Read our Q&A and get to know Jussara:
1. What is your idea of happiness?
Picking cherry tomatoes from my kitchen garden on a cool afternoon. One for me, two in the basket...
2. What is your greatest extravagance?
Not to have a regular job
3. What is your current state of mind?
Sounds cliche but I really mean it: I feel blessed for being healthy
4. Whose style do you most admire?
5. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Growing up eating meat, I never thought I could become vegetarian let alone vegan. Except once a year when I indulge and eat churrasco, Brazilian barbecue :).